A Global Site to Represent All Educalis Structures
As part of the creation of the Educalis Group website, the objective was to highlight the different structures that make up the group: daycare centers, schools and summer camps.
The site had to bring these entities together, while explaining the common pedagogy and educational approach adopted by the teams.

Development of Specific and Duplicable Sites for each Entity
In a second phase, we also developed specific sites for each crèche and school, while maintaining a common technological base. The idea was to create personalized templates that could be easily duplicated, thus facilitating the deployment of new sites, particularly when new entities opened. At the same time, we worked on SEO to optimize the visibility of the sites on geolocalized searches such as “Crèche Lausanne”.

Optimizing Search Engine Optimization and Creating an Intuitive User Experience
Our teams took charge of strategic thinking, user experience, web design and technical development on a robust, SEO-friendly platform.