Guerilla Marketing | Habefast

Definition : guerrilla marketing
Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional form of advertising that uses creative and often surprising tactics to reach a wider audience. It aims to promote a product, service or company with a limited marketing budget. This approach relies on the use of innovative ideas to attract public attention and create a buzz around the brand.
The benefits of guerrilla marketing
Guerrilla marketing has the significant advantage that it can be implemented with a relatively small marketing budget, unlike traditional advertising campaigns which often require significant investment to achieve successful results. It aims to reach a target audience by using inexpensive but effective means, such as events, posters, viral videos or unconventional advertising. This technique is often favoured by companies with a limited marketing budget that are looking to differentiate themselves from the competition. The campaigns are often fun and interactive, which can engage customers and get them talking about your brand. Guerrilla marketing campaigns often leave a memorable impression as they provide memorable experiences for customers, who remember your brand even after the campaign has ended.
The disadvantages of guerrilla marketing
Although guerrilla marketing can be a creative and effective advertising strategy for many businesses, it also has some drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is that this strategy can be seen as intrusive or disruptive to the target audience. If poorly executed, it can also damage a company’s reputation by making it appear unprofessional or unruly. Moreover, guerrilla marketing can be difficult to measure in terms of return on investment, as it is often a one-off action rather than a long-term advertising campaign.
Examples of successful campaigns
There are many examples of successful guerrilla marketing campaigns that have created strong brand awareness and public engagement.
Among the most famous examples is Red Bull’s “Red Bull Stratos” campaign, which involved sending a skydiver into free fall from the stratosphere live on the Internet. This campaign generated millions of views and positioned Red Bull as an innovative and daring company.
In recent years, two Unicef awareness campaigns have attracted attention online. These are campaigns launched by Unicef to raise awareness about the difficulty of access to clean water in Africa. The first initiative, entitled “Dirty Water Vending Machine”, was followed by a more recent initiative entitled “How far would you walk to find clean drinking water? Both campaigns have had a significant impact in drawing public attention to a crucial issue.
Finally, Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, which replaced names on bottles with first names, was very successful in encouraging consumers to buy personalised bottles for themselves or their friends. This campaign generated a significant increase in sales and reinforced the positive perception of the Coca-Cola brand.
In addition, guerrilla marketing can be an effective and creative advertising strategy for companies seeking to stand out from the competition and capture the attention of customers. However, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks. Examples of successful campaigns show that the key to this strategy is to be innovative, original and know how to engage consumers in a fun and memorable way. In an increasingly advertising-saturated environment, guerrilla marketing can offer a creative and effective solution for brands seeking to differentiate themselves and build brand awareness. Using these examples as a guide, you can use your creativity to design your own guerrilla advertising.