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Acronym | Habefast

Acronym Glossary Habefast

Acronym: definition and interests

An acronym is a set of letters that serves as an abbreviation. It consists of initial letters that are used as an abbreviation.

It is often used to represent a company, a public or private organization. It represents an advantage by its short form which allows a mark to use a modern, short and distinctive form. It also represents an advantage when the brand wishes to evolve towards other horizons, to invest other markets without cutting itself off from its origins. One example is FNAC, which stands for Fédération Nationale d’Achat de Cadres. 

Acronyms are used in many fields, whether in the political field to abbreviate party names, in the marketing field to make a brand name striking or to facilitate the creation of logos, for institutions like UNESCO, etc.

The different types of acronyms :

Firstly, acronyms are distinguished according to the way they are pronounced: 

  • letter by letter like CMO for Chief Marketing Officer 
  • or those that form a word like ROI for Return on Investment. 

Also, we distinguish the following acronyms if they are monograms or acronyms: 

YSL is a monogram to abbreviate the brand name Yves Saint Laurent. It was used to create their logo:

  • ASICS stands for Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, a Latin maxim meaning healthy soul in a healthy body and is therefore an acronym 

The choice can be interesting because it can be used as a common name which makes it easier to remember.