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Communication | Habefast

Habefast Communication Glossaire

Communication is omnipresent, whether it is through the media or social networks. Nowadays, everyone expresses themselves in abundance, and this, on various channels. There are certain facts that are important to know to better understand how our exchanges work. Let’s discover communication and its particularities.

What is the purpose of the communication?

Communication regroupes actions carried out with the aim of sharing information, interacting and transmitting. In an exchange, there is a sender of information and one or more receivers of that information.

When we think of communication, we often think of verbal communication, and the things that can be transmitted through words. However, an important part of communication is also non-verbal and is transmitted through body language, i.e. facial expressions, posture, gestures…

The philosophy professor Albert Mehrabian conceptualised the 3V rule which states that in an exchange between two individuals

  • 7% of the communication is verbal, i.e. it is done through words
  • 38% is vocal, through tone and intonation
  • 55% is visual and concerns everything that concerns facial and body expressions

What is corporate communication?

It is all the information that comes from a company, whether internal (HR, internal news) or external (marketing, advertising, partners) with the aim of developing the company and its activity. 
Generally, a company’s communication is consistent with its identity and values. The objective is to have a uniform image on all communication channels used by the company in order to control how it is perceived.

Internal communication

It directly concerns the company’s employees. Knowing how to communicate well internally has an impact on the motivation and commitment of employees. It also makes it possible to
and create a strong corporate culture that will influence the quality of working conditions and satisfaction.
As far as internal communication is concerned, there are 3 main types of communication:

  • Top-down communication: managers communicate to employees, for example to give instructions.
  • Bottom-up communication: employees communicate with managers to give them vital information or
    to them.
  • Horizontal communication: this consists of putting the various employees of the company on the same level, so that they are equally able to pass on information. This communication encourages exchanges between employees and is particularly appreciated. Hierarchical links are much less present and disabling.

External communication

It is fundamental for the company’s image and visibility.

It allows the company to make itself known to consumers in order to establish itself in its market.

Here are the three types of external communication:

  • External communication to customers:

This communication is very important, most successful companies are able to have a successful communication with their customers.
It is used to publicise new products, to make customers want to make a purchase or to build loyalty. It follows the company’s marketing objectives.
To do this, the teams will create advertising campaigns, inform customers with newsletters, produce catalogues, implement a strategy on social networks, etc.

Communication with customers does not stop there, it is also important for customer services and all the moments when the company comes into contact with its customers or
customers or prospects.

  • External communication with the media:

Communication with the media can provide the company with a means of relaying its information on a wider scale. For example, press releases are used to share company news with an audience. Depending on the activity and size of your company, it may be important to put in place a well thought out media communication to get the most out of it.

  • External communication with business partners:

The company also needs to communicate with a number of stakeholders related to the company’s business such as shareholders, suppliers etc. Good communication with them will help maintain a relationship of trust that will benefit your business.

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Denis Burdet
09:41 24 Jun 24
Super expérience avec l'équipe Habefast dans le cadre de la refonte de notre plateforme en ligne trOOdi.ch !Proactive et précise, l'équipe a vraiment été à notre écoute tout au long du projet et a su nous accompagner avec bienveillance.J'avais déjà vécu une très bonne expérience dans le cadre d'un autre mandat de branding relatif à l'identité visuelle de la marque Terre Vaudoise.
Yannick Grivel
18:03 08 May 24
Le Triathlon de Nyon collabore avec Habefast depuis plusieurs années pour différents éléments. En 2024, ils sont refait intégralement notre site internet. Ils développement également la ligne graphique de chaque édition qui sont toujours originales et de qualité. Le suivi, la qualité et la rapidité d'exécution ou de réponse à nos demandes sont à relever. Je ne peux que les recommander les yeux fermés!
Bastien Droz
09:05 19 Apr 24
Super service et à l'écoute. Je recommande ce partenaire
Nathalie Marmier
07:36 03 Dec 23
😃 Je suis très heureuse de travailler avec toute l'équipe d'Habefast. Je me sens soutenue, écoutée et surtout comprise dans mes besoins. 🙏 Merci beaucoup. Je recommande cette agence.👍
Direction EPS Rolle
13:49 15 Nov 23
Nous avons refait nos logos avec Habefast. Tip top, rien à redire. Service après-vente impeccable. A recommander.
Arborisme Leuba SA
14:06 20 Jun 23
Notre nouvelle marque, identité visuelle, ainsi que notre nouveau site internet viennent d'être terminés avec Habefast. Nous sommes ravis, c'est une équipe réactive, à notre écoute et de bons conseils ! Les visuels sont top, vous pouvez venir voir par vous-même ;)Nous vous les recommandons vivement !
Alexia Hamelin
16:40 01 Dec 22
Un très bon atout pour débuter et développer son entreprise : étude de marché au top, conseils avisés et perspicaces pour la suite, réactivité au top lors de grosses échéances. On se sent bien entouré et guidé, je recommande!