Smart Objectives | Habefast

Smart Lenses: What are they for?
These objectives correspond to a type of management by objective that is very common in project management. This method makes it possible to set clear, challenging but achievable objectives.
Smart is a mnemonic that allows you to keep in mind the qualities necessary to achieve a marketing or sales objective. The acronym stands for the five elements necessary to set relevant and achievable goals:
This is about setting precise objectives that will allow you to know which factors to implement in order to achieve the objective. This point allows you to choose a detailed action plan, a precise methodology and clear objectives. This allows all employees to understand their role and to be as efficient as possible.
After defining the action plan as explicitly and comprehensively as possible, the next step is to know how to measure progress. This means that to be SMART, an objective must be measurable so that progress can be measured and the approach adapted if it is not effective. Â
To be effective, the objective must be accepted by the employees, which encourages motivation because if it is accepted by all, then the objective that is yours also becomes that of the whole team. Therefore, an acceptable objective allows us to move in the same direction. To facilitate its acceptance, the objective must be formulated in a positive way and be in line with the values of the project. Â
Particular importance must be attached to the relevance of the objective. The degree of difficulty must be in line with the skills and means used. In short, a realistic goal should be set. Setting an ambitious objective is desirable because it is challenging, but it must be achievable in order to motivate rather than discourage the teams.
Temporally defined
Any project lasts in time. It is therefore necessary to set a framework, a beginning and an end, but also and above all, stages. In order to give a structure to the project and to inform all the collaborators of the deadlines, a precise duration must be fixed for each stage. Although flexible, the framework gives the project structure.