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3 August 2018 - Temps de lecture: 4 minutes

How can mind mapping benefit your company?

Habefast Blog Article Mind Mapping Company

Developing an entire process in just one page? This is now possible thanks to mind mapping. Starring the Finnish school curriculum, the best in the world, mind maps are tools with high potential.

A mental projection tool at the service of your company

What is mind mapping? How to use it?

The mind map, or mental map, allows us to represent our visual thinking. It helps you map, prioritize and structure your ideas in a logical way. Its interest lies above all in its intuitive aspect, in particular the fact that by building a map around a main idea, it encourages you to establish relevant links with other big ideas and/or secondary ideas. The result is a core with branches and sub-branches connected to each other.
The goal: to organize your ideas through concept maps and questioning.

The applications of mind mapping are numerous. In companies, mind maps allow you to model processes and make them easier to understand. This mode of transmission allows you to optimize your time and the effectiveness of a training course. Mind mapping or mind map is also useful in the context of collaboration or brainstorming: when ideas fuse, you need to connect them in order to initiate an action plan or use a decision-making technique in different areas.

For example, you can decide to work collaboratively and invite all your collaborators to speak clockwise. Thanks to a free mind mapping software, you can first put the main subject of your brainstorm. Then thanks to arrows, everyone could put main ideas as well as secondary ideas, the objective being to structure the ideas. This allows you to create a graphical representation of the different ideas, that is to say to represent visually and synthetically all the different ideas put forward. You can also make connections between them, put pictograms or use keywords. You will have a simplified overall visualization. This technique has already proven its effectiveness many times over by allowing you to organize your thinking. 

Stimulate your thinking thank to the mind mapping

The left hemisphere of our brain concentrates our so-called “Cartesian” functions: our logic, our analytical abilities . These functions will complement the intuition, imagination and emotions that reside in our right hemisphere.

Mind mapping reconciles the abilities of our two hemispheres. By having both of them work simultaneously on mental maps, the individual combines structured thinking with the comfort of the senses. Mind-mapping is used in all professional and private fields, especially marketing and communication, and by all types of people: employees, but also students, children and retired people. Mind maps allow better communication and memorization when speaking, as they are visual tools with a structured format.

Mind mapping to synthesize your marketing strategy

The added value of mind maps is considerable and represents a real tool for productivity and creativity. Whether you are a company director, a project manager or a communication manager, our global communication agency Habefast accompanies you in the implementation of this innovative thinking method.

  1. The mind mapping: a tool to strengthen your spirit of synthesis

    Under time constraints, prioritizing and ranking ideas is a key step in process modeling. The mind map allows you to get to the essential in all your strategies without ever losing precision. The transmission of your strategies to your colleagues becomes all the easier and more efficient, which allows the implementation of concrete and even innovative action plans. 

  2. Save time thanks to the mind mapping

    Using mind mapping allows you to save a considerable amount of time, especially when solving a a problem in your company. Thanks to mind mapping, the use of keywords, your thoughts are quickly represented on paper in a logical and structured way.

  3. Mind mapping to develop your creativity

    A judicious use of colors and multimedia content allows you to facilitate memorization while being creative. In fact, inserting custom photos or videos can only make the message you want to deliver more fluid. In addition to captivating the audience, multimedia content effectively illustrates your thoughts

  4. Innovate during your meetings thanks to the mind mapping

    Mind mapping maps out what you want to say. The visual support that is the mind map invites your interlocutors to quickly understand your subject and all your thoughts. Modelling your process allows your team to quickly grasp it and to give more time to in-depth questions of a purely strategic nature.

Mind maps adapted to your company

Whether you prefer to work online, on downloaded software or on paper, Mind Mapping is applicable whatever the sector of your company. Indeed, you can use a sheet of paper to group together the ideas of your employees and create a mind map. You can also use software such as Xmind to have no worries about readability and to have more flexibility in order to save time.

As a strategy consulting agency, Habefast helps you to use this tool so that you can adapt it to your different objectives.

Do you wish to be accompanied in the implementation of a mind mapping tool? In the modeling and optimization of your business processes? Do not hesitate to call on our experts for a personalized study.

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Alexia Hamelin
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