In a consumer society where a multitude of brands and products are present, it can become complicated for the consumer to make a choice and for a company to stand out.
Some brands rely on authenticity to make a difference. Some brands rely on authenticity to make a difference. To do so, they use emotional marketing, a tool that allows them to stand out by arousing emotions in consumers. Emotional marketing is, above all, creating a feeling of immediate identification that helps guide consumer choices and behavior.
Make a mark on the consumer's mind
The consumer’s emotions provoked by emotional marketing make it possible:
- to promote advertising memorization.
- to promote attachment to the brand.
- to promote the act of purchase at the point of sale.
In fact, each of the emotions felt by the consumer refers to a memory, a feeling of “déjà vu”, a moment lived, or an emotion already felt.
There are 2 main families of emotions: primary emotions such as joy, sadness and secondary emotions, themselves linked to the primary emotions, such as pride and frustration.
- Joy, for example, captures the consumer’s attention, frees him from his daily tensions and concludes with a positive effect. For example, Coca-Cola’s international campaign to fight AIDS featured children singing the Ode to Joy to bring a sense of happiness to their Internet users.
- Love, happiness brings a feeling of security, comfort…
- Sadness, aims at touching the consumer and reminding him/her of memories and emotions already felt, it generates a feeling of attachment.
- Fear, anger aims to shock the consumer in order to make him react to bad practices for example (road safety campaigns).
How to measure the impact of the emotions felt through your advertising?
There are some tools for analyzing post-campaign emotions such as:
- Analysis of post-campaign emoticons on social networks.

- Facial Coding, Neuromarketing, and Voice Analysis are more scientific methods, but are often used on a panel of consumers to measure the effectiveness of campaigns.
The analysis of all reactions indicates the degree of intensity of the emotions felt and therefore the receptivity of consumers to the campaign. Thanks to the brand, the consumer feels a particular feeling, which can encourage word-of-mouth and sharing on social networks.