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SEO | Habefast

Seo Glossary Habefast

SEO : definition

SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to all the techniques to improve the position of a site or a web page on the SERP, the search engine results pages. 

It is an essential lever for the referencing of a website because it allows to reinforce the visibility and the traffic of a site without having to carry out paid advertising campaigns. The goal of SEO is to strengthen the visibility of a website through a relevant content strategy. 

It is an essential lever because the more sites are well placed in the SERPs, the more visits they get. Indeed, the sites in first position record 33% of clicks on Google and the first ten record 90% of visits from Internet users. 

The role of search engine algorithms in SEO

These are the ones that process the information on your website and index it or not. The algorithms process thousands of sites per day and rank them according to their relevance and notoriety determined by many criteria. For example, Google rates sites by degree of relevance, the higher the ratings, the higher the sites and pages go up on the search results pages. To be relevant in the eyes of the search engine, several criteria are taken into account: the content of the site and the user experience are essential elements. 

How SEO works: on and off-site seo.

In order to make a website rise on the results pages, there are several techniques that can be conducted simultaneously. 

The on-site natural referencing gathers the elements which concern the pages of the site. In other words, the algorithms of search engines give importance to the form of your site and your web pages. Among the hundreds of criteria that they study, we find the most important: 

  • The html tags (title, meta description, Hn title levels, alt attribute for images…) and the domain name of the site
  • The snippets 
  • The structure of URLs
  • Loading time and internal mesh
  • The relevance, placement and density of the keywords used 
  • The quality and originality of the content
  • And finally, the mobile friendly aspect and more generally, the responsiveness of the site.

The off-site SEO pays attention to the elements outside the web pages, it focuses its analysis on the quality of the site through elements such as: the popularity of the site analyzed mainly through netlinking and backlinks (links that point to your pages from other sites) and the dynamism of the company on its social networks.