Why outsource the marketing of your SME?

The specificities of an SME imply a well-thought-out strategy for the organization of its various services and the distribution of budgets. It is necessary for employees to be multi-skilled while having the ability to focus on their core business, which can be complex for the marketing field. Faced with the problem of a reduced budget that hinders the recruitment of an employee, SMEs can seize the opportunity to outsource this service.
What is marketing outsourcing?
Marketing outsourcing of your SME will consist of using an external marketing agency to delegate the marketing tasks of your company. It is a transfer of your entire marketing project including both strategy and operations, while maintaining a certain control through the piloting of marketing actions to be implemented. Often a long-term project, the use of an outsourced marketing service will be subject to a project management led by a qualified project manager defined as your main contact in order to ensure a regular follow-up and the reactivity necessary for a good marketing management. The goal: that you can concentrate essentially on your core business by entrusting your marketing strategy to experts in their field.
Our agency specialized in marketing strategy and communication Habefast centralizes, for you, all the marketing tools and competences necessary to the realization and the implementation of your strategy.
What are the advantages for your SME?
Saving of time
Our global communication agency provides you with experts with marketing and communication skills to ensure the smooth running of your project. We offer tailor-made support, whatever your sector of activity and your objectives. Your team can therefore focus on the core business of your SME without having to worry about training and missions related to marketing and communication. The time saved can be transferred to your main tasks related to your core business while maximizing your marketing performance in your target market.
Cost control
An additional support for the operational area and the creation of content: graphics, photographs, videos, website updates, management of social networks…
In order to respond to the problem of a reduced budget, marketing subcontracting allows you to avoid the creation of an internal department in your SME. The budget saved in recruitment and marketing training can be distributed over investments that fall directly on your core business. Our marketing agency provides you with a dedicated project manager as well as graphic designers, web designers, web developers and a team of photographers and videographers. Thanks to this, you benefit from the specific skills of a complete team for a much lower budget than hiring a marketing manager. In case your company has a marketing manager, outsourcing can provide additional support for the operational area and content creation: graphics, photographs, videos, website updates, social network management…
In order to ensure optimal flexibility and a support model adapted to your budget, we define together the package of hours, which can be increased, reduced or terminated at any time.
Our expertise at your disposal
As a small and medium-sized business, it is important to stand out by enhancing your brand image and know-how.
Our team is composed of various skills and profiles: marketing project managers, art directors, graphic designers, web designers, web developers, photographers and videographers, all are experts in their field.
Their mission: to add value to your business and guarantee your return on investment. From your website to the customer experience, we work on every facet of marketing and on the levers to ensure that you reach and retain new customers.
What we do for you
Diagnosis of the company
In order to set up qualitative marketing actions in line with your objectives, it is essential to carry out an internal and external diagnosis of your company. Based on this diagnosis, we then draw up an assessment of your SME’s existing situation.
Market study
We also carry out market research, whatever the sector of your company. Studying the feasibility of your projects is essential, which is why we bring together all the necessary skills to best identify your target market and consumer needs.
Launch of a new product or service
Thanks to our experts, we accompany you from A to Z during the launch of a new product or a new service. From the communication plan to the product packaging, we set up with you marketing actions with a strong competitive advantage.
Revision of the marketing strategy
Technological advances and the digital transformation of your competitors may lead you to review your marketing strategy. The Habefast agency offers you assistance in the redesign of your digital strategy, your website, your visual identity or even a complete revision of your marketing plan, if necessary.
The Habefast agency is fully aware that SMEs must focus on their core business. To maintain a long-lasting customer relationship and to convey a brand image consistent with your values, marketing outsourcing is an effective solution.Â