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Do you want to set up an effective communication strategy to promote your products or services? Our global communication agency will help you in this project. 

Accompany you in your communication strategy.

Are you a company? Would you like to develop an effective and relevant communication strategy? We help you to develop a communication strategy and plan that will effectively meet your needs.

Setting up communication strategies allows you to present your products or services so that they are known by the general public, but above all, it is necessary that people remember your products, so that your communication is effective and your positioning is coherent.

To promote your products or services, communication supports are necessary. Whether you communicate online (on your website, on social networks or via online advertising) or offline (via media plans, print advertising campaigns, trade shows or even by campaigns for all households), our Habefast agency helps you to set up these communication actions.

Our professionals will guide you on all points: from the research of your objectives to the delivery of a report at the end of the campaign, through the operational implementation of the project, our team works with you with the help of communication objectives. All of our experts can be called upon for your project: marketing specialists, art directors, graphic designers, web developers, designers, etc.

Communication for internal use

It is not only necessary to present a new product or service to the general public, it is also important that your company’s values are known internally, i.e. by all your employees. Communication within your company is essential for your employees to make decisions in accordance with your values and objectives. All your employees must be aware of your company’s events, the launch of new products or services or that may change their work organization.

To this end, our communication agency Habefast supports you in the implementation of an internal communication strategy, and this, thanks to all areas of our agency: the establishment of a website or an intranet, the production of documents for employers, or communication on professional social networks, such as LinkedIn.

Crisis communication.

In case of crisis, our communication agency Habefast intervenes in extreme reactivity to analyze the scenarios that may arise. We help you to set up an adequate communication strategy in order to minimize the risks of negative consequences for your company.

Our communication agency Habefast can also intervene upstream, at the first warning signs of a crisis or simply for prevention. Our experts provide you with a wide range of skills:

  • Carrying out a preliminary study with identification, evaluation and hierarchy of the risks linked to your organization

  • Analysis of the impact on your objectives for each type of crisis

  • Research of prevention and anticipation strategies

  • Definition of action levers for each risk

  • Regular monitoring and evaluation

  • Collaboration with your teams to reduce the time and cost of implementation


You wish to control your brand image on social networks and on the Internet? Are you under attack to your e-reputation and are you afraid that it will slow down your company’s activities? Our consulting agency helps you to control this communication lever that has become essential today. Indeed, in the age of digitalization, virtual word of mouth is a double-edged sword for every company. Well mastered, it helps to reassure consumers and encourages them to use your good or service. However, a poor e-reputation, i.e. negative comments on influential networks such as Facebook or Tripadvisor can quickly become an obstacle to the development of your business. We offer various services to help you master your e-reputation and make the most of it for your business. Our team monitors social networks and analyzes comments related to your business. They analyze the feedback to help you understand customer needs and implement solutions to meet them. Good e-reputation management also allows you to detect the warning signs of a crisis and find solutions before it occurs. Together, we build a comprehensive and sustainable marketing strategy.

If you want to know more, here are some tips to highlight your communication strategy.

Based on 18 reviews
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Denis Burdet
09:41 24 Jun 24
Super expérience avec l'équipe Habefast dans le cadre de la refonte de notre plateforme en ligne trOOdi.ch !Proactive et précise, l'équipe a vraiment été à notre écoute tout au long du projet et a su nous accompagner avec bienveillance.J'avais déjà vécu une très bonne expérience dans le cadre d'un autre mandat de branding relatif à l'identité visuelle de la marque Terre Vaudoise.
Yannick Grivel
18:03 08 May 24
Le Triathlon de Nyon collabore avec Habefast depuis plusieurs années pour différents éléments. En 2024, ils sont refait intégralement notre site internet. Ils développement également la ligne graphique de chaque édition qui sont toujours originales et de qualité. Le suivi, la qualité et la rapidité d'exécution ou de réponse à nos demandes sont à relever. Je ne peux que les recommander les yeux fermés!
Bastien Droz
09:05 19 Apr 24
Super service et à l'écoute. Je recommande ce partenaire
Nathalie Marmier
07:36 03 Dec 23
😃 Je suis très heureuse de travailler avec toute l'équipe d'Habefast. Je me sens soutenue, écoutée et surtout comprise dans mes besoins. 🙏 Merci beaucoup. Je recommande cette agence.👍
Direction EPS Rolle
13:49 15 Nov 23
Nous avons refait nos logos avec Habefast. Tip top, rien à redire. Service après-vente impeccable. A recommander.
Arborisme Leuba SA
14:06 20 Jun 23
Notre nouvelle marque, identité visuelle, ainsi que notre nouveau site internet viennent d'être terminés avec Habefast. Nous sommes ravis, c'est une équipe réactive, à notre écoute et de bons conseils ! Les visuels sont top, vous pouvez venir voir par vous-même ;)Nous vous les recommandons vivement !
Alexia Hamelin
16:40 01 Dec 22
Un très bon atout pour débuter et développer son entreprise : étude de marché au top, conseils avisés et perspicaces pour la suite, réactivité au top lors de grosses échéances. On se sent bien entouré et guidé, je recommande!