Do you want to reinforce customer relations within your company and acquire new prospects? Do you want to optimize your sales thanks to an efficient and recognized sales channel? Our web agency will help you in the realization of your emailing campaign.
Types of emailing
Email marketing
It can be found there:
- The acquisition email
- The loyalty email which includes the sending of newsletters and special offers
Transactional email
Corresponds to automatic responses when sending a form.Â
- It is first found in e-commerce when confirming an order for example.
- It can also be found during an automatic response to a request.
The email of marketing automation
- Lead nurturing consists in improving a relationship with prospects little by little so as not to lose contact.
- Retargeting email allows you to send emails to visitors who have visited your website.
Send In Blue or Mailjet are examples of marketing automation platforms.
The role of emailing in the business
Emailing (web direct mail or online direct mail) is a marketing practice consisting of sending a large quantity of targeted and segmented emails to generate interest from your prospects or customers.
For businesses, emailing can serve a variety of purposes, from acquiring new customers to increasing sales, customer loyalty and improving corporate visibility, and plays an essential role in the life of a company and its marketing strategy.
It plays an essential role in the life of a company and in its marketing strategy. It is therefore very relevant for your company to rely on this tool. If it is used correctly and if it respects the new standards of digital marketing, it can be beneficial in generating new leads as well as in retaining existing customers.
Emailing offers many advantages; it is indeed possible to reach a very large number of people quickly and at a lower cost.
The Habefast web agency and emailing campaigns
For email campaigns to be effective, they must be carried out professionally and rigorously. A subtle balance between aesthetics, pragmatism and simplicity must be aimed at in order to communicate striking messages, encouraging your recipients to click on specific links to be redirected to your website.
Internet users being more and more encouraged to consume through emailing, they are always demanding with regard to the emails they receive. It is therefore essential not to over-communicate and to ensure that you offer value-added content so as not to create a negative feeling among your customers.
Today, segmented, targeted and personalized emailing remains an effective means of communication, with the highest return on investment (ROI) among digital marketing strategies.
This is why our agency offers you its services and skills to accompany you in your emailing campaign. With a great experience, we can design for you, custom emailing campaigns to help you achieve your goals, and to optimize your campaign, our agency performs an audit of your company to understand and analyze your needs in terms of data and your objectives for this campaign.
Because our agency wants to be at your side until the end, we assist you in the realization and launch of your campaigns but not only, we also offer to collect and create a database of email addresses adapted to your needs and your positioning.
In order to improve your performance and achieve your goals, Habefast agency, offers its expertise in complementary areas to the emailing campaign such as creating traffic through social networks, natural referencing of your website, or Google Ads campaigns.
The law and mailing
Because this mean of communication has become essential, it has also become a little appreciated by Internet users because of its mass mailing in mailboxes. This is why many laws have been put in place since the 2000s in order to reduce this permanent flow of emails. But it was in April 2007 that specific legislation prohibiting the sending of spam appeared in Switzerland. E-mails considered as spam have certain specific characteristics:
If it is addressed to a person who has not consented to be contacted in this specific context
If the message does not contain the exact contact details of the sender
If the message does not allow the recipient to unsubscribe from these emails
For these reasons, emailing campaigns must comply with a number of rules of consent of recipients to the collection of information here are some standards to follow so that your emailing campaign impacts your customers and does not get stuck in spam.
The sender must be clearly identifiable and his contact information present on the email sent
The customers contacted must have consented to give their personal information about products or services similar to those sent in the said email
The email must contain a visible unsubscribe link and free of charge
Beyond these rules the data collected from customers and prospects must be secure and accessible to the persons concerned by these data.
The various laws concerning the protection of consumers and their data are essential elements that must be known to carry out a successful emailing campaign and see it become a real success. This is why it has become necessary to surround oneself with experts in order to carry out an emailing campaign.
The rules of emailing
As a means of communication have become indispensable. It is nevertheless essential for the company to understand the rules of emailing in order to benefit from its many advantages.
Although these campaigns can be implemented through computer programs, there are many golden rules to follow so that your campaign shows real results. Here is an extract of the many rules and tips to optimize your emailing campaign:
Regular data updates to optimize the deliverability rate
Personalization of messages for a better impact on customers and prospects
Realization of responsive emails adapted to the phone format to satisfy the growing population of mobile phone users
Integration of clear and strategically placed "call-to-action"
Analysis of the statistics of the campaigns you have carried out
FAQ: emailing campaigns
How to measure the results of an emailing campaign?
How to measure the results of an emailing campaign?
During an emailing campaign, it is very important to follow the success of the messages sent. This allows you to know what works and what doesn’t. You can use an analysis tool to see how many people opened your email or clicked on a link. Some tools go further and can show you which pages are the most visited and which are the least successful.
In order to measure the results of an emailing campaign, it is important to track the emails sent. This will allow to know:
- The number of opened emails,
- The number of clicks on the links in the email,
- The number of conversions: by looking at the clicks that led to a purchase for example.
When to schedule the emailing?
The question of the timing of the email sending is crucial. A good timing allows you to maximize the chances of your prospects opening your emails. But what is the best time?
The best way to send a successful email is to understand how people consult their emails and when they are available to react to the information you send them.
Think about the time of day you consume emails. If you prefer to receive emails in the morning, so do your customers. Depending on whether your contacts are individuals or professionals, the opening hours are different. It also depends on the product category you offer.
In terms of days of the week, many studies show that Tuesday and Thursday are the best days to schedule your emails. However, other days like Wednesday are also effective.
From a scheduling standpoint, it’s important to put yourself in your recipients’ shoes. Imagine what they might be doing at the times you have chosen. For example, it has been proven that emails sent at 8am, 1pm and 5pm are the ones that perform the best.