Why create a visual identity for my company?

At a time when brands abound, all reflecting different values and commitments and with more and more communication channels possible, it is important to have a visual identity for your company. This means having graphic elements that allow you to recognize a brand instantly, whatever the communication medium, and to associate it with values.
What does a visual identity consist of and how to create it?
The visual identity of a company consists of all the visual elements that allow to recognize it, to differentiate it from other companies, to associate it with values. In other words, it is a kind of fingerprint. If you want to be recognized at a glance, you need to have your own visual identity.
The elements that make it up are varied. For example, the company logo, but also the graphic charter (size and font used, color variations). Establishing rules for the use of your visual identity allows you to use each of the company’s communication media in a coherent way: flyers, website, advertising posters, business cards… We can then speak of a visual identity of our own.
Why is it essential to have your own visual identity?
Having its own visual identity is necessary for your company for several reasons.
First of all, to be recognizable.
This is one of the main objectives of this identity. Creating a logo and a graphic charter allows you to be identified in the blink of an eye. This makes your communication more effective because you know very quickly which company/brand it is.
Having your own visual identity allows you to convey your values.
First of all, to be recognizable. This is one of the main objectives of this identity. Creating a logo and a graphic charter allows you to be identified in the blink of an eye. This makes your communication more effective because you know very quickly which company/brand it is. Having your own visual identity allows you to convey your values. Indeed, colors, shapes, fonts are elements that our mind unconsciously associates with different values, sectors of activity, quality ranges. If it is well designed, your visual identity will therefore position you in the minds according to the values it conveys. For example, in the fashion industry, it is quite easy to differentiate luxury brands from consumer brands by looking at their logo or the graphic charter used. In the same way, the use of the color green will reflect your company’s commitment to the environment, while a navy blue will reflect more traditional values.
Your visual identity is the showcase of your company.
It is what your customers will see first. If the graphic elements used are well designed, well thought out, your company will be instantly assimilated to a quality, serious, trustworthy company. The first impressions of your customers will depend on the appearance of your website, your brochures and all your communication media. A uniform brochure (colors used, typeface etc.) lets you know right away that it is a professional and serious company and allows you to make the difference.
Finally, it allows you to make a difference.
Many companies exist within the same market, the visual identity is one of the first factors that differentiate them.
For example, although there are many fast food chains, their logos, all different and very specific, allow us to differentiate them from each other.
How do you create a visual identity?
To create it, you have to ask yourself the right questions: What are the values of my company? In which range is it positioned? What is the company’s typical clientele? etc. This will then allow you to better define the graphic elements composing your visual identity.
It is therefore necessary to be certain of what you want to communicate in order to be able to start designing a visual identity.
For the creation stage itself, two types of solutions are available to you. You can decide to create your logo yourself. Some websites will allow you to create a logo for example. However, the renderings will not be very personalized and original. Another solution is to call upon professionals, this allows you to obtain a quality visual identity, which will allow you to make the difference and gain the confidence of your future customers. The professionals will indeed know how to better guide you to adapt your visual identity to your expectations. They will also enable you to obtain files in optimal quality for printing. The resolution must indeed be high so that a logo is not blurred on a flyer or a poster and this is only possible if the logo file is correctly made. A graphic designer can also help you to create a clear graphic charter and thus define very precise rules for the use of your logo and colors in order to maintain consistency on all media.
Realize the design of your various communication media as well as your web design with this visual identity, quality and well thought out will allow you to take advantage of the benefits mentioned earlier in this article.
Beware however, a visual identity is not eternal. Trends are not immutable (colors, shapes), the meanings of graphic elements can sometimes change and no longer appear the values initially communicated. On average, a visual identity must be renewed every 10 years. It is not a question of completely rethinking it every 10 years, but of adapting and updating it, in order to always remain impactful and modern.