Branding | Habefast

Branding definition
Branding is a marketing or advertising action that seeks to anchor a brand in the consumer’s mind. In short, its goal is to allow easy identification of the brand by the consumer and to make it stand out. It is an advertising action that is anchored in the medium or long term and whose goal is to work on the attitude, the notoriety or the image of the brand. Branding is therefore more of a qualitative marketing strategy than a quantitative one. It does not seek to meet immediate sales criteria, for example.
The origin of the word is evocative, as it comes from the mor brand, meaning brand, and echoes the branding of cattle in medieval times and later, during the conquest of the West. Although it is now used in marketing and graphic design, the idea remains similar: to mark the mind of the consumer.
What is the interest of branding for a company?
Branding is a long-term communication strategy. Above all, it must position the brand in the consumer’s mind in relation to its competitors by creating a strong brand identity.
This brand identity is defined thanks to the company’s values and DNA, its history and is told in a certain way with a storytelling specific to each company. It also allows to create a brand image and thus, to evoke something precise in the mind of the customer or potential customers.
Branding allows you to build a brand image with the help of a communication strategy that encompasses all the criteria that influence the image of the brand: its graphic charter, its style of expression, its values, its signs of presence, etc.
Creating a coherent and powerful brand culture allows you to enhance your brand by expressing its values and anchoring it in the consumer’s mind thanks to them. It proves to be a real asset to reinforce its visibility and target an audience.
Example of redbull’s branding strategy

Branding and graphic design
Graphic design allows to communicate a strong brand image through an established visual identity. Indeed, it makes the brand strategy visible by relaying it on all the communication supports (the logo, particular typographies, specific colors) and thus, distinguish the brand from its competitors. The graphic design allows the consumer to identify the brand and must allow to evoke a message.